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Somerset County Public Health Profile Report

Cardiovascular Disease - High Blood Pressure: Estimated Percent (Age-adjusted), 2013-2017 (Odd Years)

  • Somerset
    95% Confidence Interval (21.3 - 26.0)
    NA=Data not available.
  • Somerset Compared to State

    gauge ranking
    Description of Gauge

    Description of the Gauge

    This graphic is based on the county data to the left. It compares the county value of this indicator to the state overall value.
    • Excellent = The county's value on this indicator is BETTER than the state value, and the difference IS statistically significant.
    • Watch = The county's value is BETTER than state value, but the difference IS NOT statistically significant.
    • Improvement Needed = The county's value on this indicator is WORSE than the state value, but the difference IS NOT statistically significant.
    • Reason for Concern = The county's value on this indicator is WORSE than the state value, and the difference IS statistically significant.

    The county value is considered statistically significantly different from the state value if the state value is outside the range of the county's 95% confidence interval. If the county's data or 95% confidence interval information is not available, a blank gauge image will be displayed with the message, "missing information."
    NOTE: The labels used on the gauge graphic are meant to describe the county's status in plain language. The placement of the gauge needle is based solely on the statistical difference between the county and state values. When selecting priority health issues to work on, a county should take into account additional factors such as how much improvement could be made, the U.S. value, the statistical stability of the county number, the severity of the health condition, and whether the difference is clinically significant.

Why Is This Important?

High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (i.e., heart attack, heart failure, or stroke) and kidney failure. For adults who have high blood pressure, controlling it through lifestyle modifications (i.e., diet and exercise) as well as medications can help reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease or kidney failure.

How Are We Doing?

In 2017, the percentage of New Jersey adults who have ever been told they have high blood pressure by a health professional was 30.2%. Blacks (41.0%) have highest prevalence of diagnosed high blood pressure compared to Whites (28.4%), Asians (27.7%) and Hispanics (31.0%) in the state.

What Is Being Done?

The New Jersey Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program (NJHDSPP) seeks to reduce the burden of heart disease and stroke for New Jersey residents through evidence-based systems level interventions that support prevention, detection and control of high blood pressure, a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. Since 2013, HDSPP has partnered with 22 health systems including Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Regional Planning Collaboratives (RPCs), and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to: *Increase electronic health records (EHR) adoption *Increase the use of health information technology and team based care *Changing roles and adding new positions to enhance care coordination teams *Improve control measures for high blood pressure *Implement Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDS) *Incorporating clinical guidelines that are a part of a decision support system *Improving usability and applicability of alerts, order sets, registries, and other clinical data available through electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchanges (HIEs) *Promote awareness High Blood Pressure among patients with the condition

Evidence-based Practices

The NJHDSPP reduces the burden of high blood pressure on New Jersey residents by implementing health systems interventions that increase awareness, promote reporting of clinical quality measures (NQF 18), and increase quality improvement processes such as Team Based Care (TBC). These practices are recommended by the Community Guide for Preventive Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as effective, evidence based practices to reduce the burden of high blood pressure.


The high blood pressure question is administered only in odd-numbered years. All prevalence estimates are age-adjusted to the U.S. 2000 standard population (except for rates by age group). 

Data Sources

Behavioral Risk Factor Survey, Center for Health Statistics, New Jersey Department of Health, []  

Measure Description for Cardiovascular Disease - High Blood Pressure

Definition: Estimated percentage of New Jersey adults (age 18 and over) who have ever been told by a doctor, nurse or other health professional that they have high blood pressure.
Numerator: Number of adults from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System who have ever been told they have high blood pressure by a health professional.
Denominator: Number of survey respondents excluding those with missing, "Don't know/Not sure," and "Refused" responses.

Indicator Profile Report

Prevalence of Diagnosed High Blood Pressure among Adults (exits this report)

Date Content Last Updated

The information provided above is from the Department of Health's NJSHAD web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Sat, 01 June 2024 9:18:25 from Department of Health, New Jersey State Health Assessment Data Web site: ".

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