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Gloucester County Public Health Profile Report

Perchloroethylene in Outdoor Air: Mean Concentration (ug/m3), 2017 NATA

  • Gloucester
    95% Confidence Interval NA
    NA=Data not available.
  • Gloucester Compared to State

    gauge ranking
    Description of Gauge

    Description of the Gauge

    This graphic is based on the county data to the left. It compares the county value of this indicator to the state overall value.
    • Excellent = The county's value on this indicator is BETTER than the state value, and the difference IS statistically significant.
    • Watch = The county's value is BETTER than state value, but the difference IS NOT statistically significant.
    • Improvement Needed = The county's value on this indicator is WORSE than the state value, but the difference IS NOT statistically significant.
    • Reason for Concern = The county's value on this indicator is WORSE than the state value, and the difference IS statistically significant.

    The county value is considered statistically significantly different from the state value if the state value is outside the range of the county's 95% confidence interval. If the county's data or 95% confidence interval information is not available, a blank gauge image will be displayed with the message, "missing information."
    NOTE: The labels used on the gauge graphic are meant to describe the county's status in plain language. The placement of the gauge needle is based solely on the statistical difference between the county and state values. When selecting priority health issues to work on, a county should take into account additional factors such as how much improvement could be made, the U.S. value, the statistical stability of the county number, the severity of the health condition, and whether the difference is clinically significant.

Why Is This Important?

Perchloroethylene (also called tetrachloroethylene), is a colorless liquid widely used for dry cleaning of fabrics. Textile mills, chlorofluorocarbon producers, vapor degreasing and metal cleaning operations, and makers of rubber coatings may also use perchloroethylene. It is also commonly used in aerosol formulations, solvent soaps, printing inks, typewriter correction fluid, adhesives, sealants, shoe polishes and lubricants. Perchloroethylene is a central nervous system depressant. Inhaling its vapors can cause dizziness, headache, sleepiness, confusion, nausea, and unconsciousness. Breathing perchloroethylene over long periods of time can cause liver and kidney damage and memory loss. Perchloroethylene is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a probable human carcinogen.

How Are We Doing?

The highest ambient air concentration can be found in Hudson County.

What Is Being Done?

Industrial facilities that emit this chemical must obtain permits from the NJDEP Air Program and are also subject to state and federal air pollution control technology requirements.


Data Source: National-scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA), 2017 and NJDEP Division of Air Quality 

Data Sources

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)   Bureau of Air Monitoring, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection  

Measure Description for Perchloroethylene in Outdoor Air

Definition: Mean of modeled annual average perchloroethylene concentration for census tracts in a county using 2017 NATA data
Numerator: Modeled mean perchloroethylene concentration in micrograms per cubic meter
Denominator: N/A

Indicator Profile Report

Perchloroethylene Concentrations in Outdoor Air, (exits this report)

Date Content Last Updated

The information provided above is from the Department of Health's NJSHAD web site ( The information published on this website may be reproduced without permission. Please use the following citation: " Retrieved Sat, 01 June 2024 7:08:21 from Department of Health, New Jersey State Health Assessment Data Web site: ".

Content updated: no date