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White Race/Ethnicity Community Health Profile

Community Health Profile Report Options

List of health indicators based on the selected set of indicators that have data for the selected community. You can change the set of health indicators to be reported on by using the drop down list. Click on the title link in the list for a more detailed view of that community's health indicator.
  • Better is when the community's rate is better than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).
  • Similar is when the community's rate is not statistically different from New Jersey's rate (community confidence interval includes comparison value).
  • Worse is when the community's rate is worse than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).

Sorry, no data:

There is no health indicator data currently available for the selected combination of Community Type and Set of Health Indicators. Please select a different community and/or different set of indicators.


More birth and infant health indicator reports and data are available on the [ Births/Maternity Health Topic] page. '''Important''': Some neighboring states do not report all birth certificate items to NJDOH for residents who gave birth in their state, thereby creating a high proportion of records with unknown values for those items. In particular, '''Camden''', '''Essex''', '''Bergen''', and '''Passaic''' have high proportions of records with unknown prenatal care onset. This artificially lowers their '''First Trimester Prenatal Care''' percentages.