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Syphilis Incidence - Congenital

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Why Is This Important?

Syphilis may be passed to a baby by an infected mother during pregnancy and can lead to serious health problems. Syphilis has been linked to premature births, stillbirths, and neonatal death. Untreated infants that survive tend to develop problems in multiple organs, including the brain, eyes, ears, heart, liver, spleen, skin, teeth, and bones.^[ 1]^


Rate of new cases of congenital syphilis per 100,000 live births

Data Sources

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of reported congenital syphilis cases
Denominator:Number of live births

How Are We Doing?

The incidence of congenital syphilis decreased dramatically in New Jersey from 77.2 per 1,000 live births in 1998 to 2.8 in 2010. From 2013 through 2015, no cases of congenital syphilis were reported in New Jersey. However, twelve cases were reported in 2016, thirteen cases in 2017, fourteen in 2018 and again in 2019, and 25 cases in 2020.

What Is Being Done?

The New Jersey Department of Health's Sexually Transmitted Disease Program vigorously investigates all females who have a positive serology for syphilis from obstetric clinics and prenatal programs to insure appropriate treatment is given prior to child birth.

Evidence-based Practices

All pregnant women should be tested for syphilis at the first prenatal visit and those at high-risk should be tested more than once during pregnancy. ^[ 1]^

Available Services

STD Testing Services: []

More Resources

CDC Syphilis Info: [] CDC STIs and Pregnancy: [] [ Trends and Characteristics in Maternal Syphilis Rates During Pregnancy: United States, 2016-2022]

Health Program Information

NJDOH Sexually Transmitted Disease Program: []

Footnote References

1. CDC, [ About Congenital Syphilis], 4/8/24

Indicator Data Last Updated On 07/05/2022, Published on 06/12/2024
Sexually Transmitted Disease Program, Division of HIV, STD and TB Services; New Jersey Department of Health; PO Box 363; Trenton, NJ 08625-0369 (