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Inpatient Hospitalizations due to Heat-Related Illness by County, May through September, New Jersey, 2018-2022

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Inpatient Hospitalizations due to Heat-Related Illness by County, May through September, New Jersey, 2018-2022

  • ***The count has been suppressed because the number of events is too small for publication or could be used to calculate the number in a cell that has been suppressed.

Why Is This Important?

The relationship between extreme heat and increased daily morbidity is well established. This indicator captures inpatient hospital admissions for heat-related illness or hyperthermia.


Inpatient hospital discharges for heat-related illnesses for a defined population in a specified time interval. Cases were selected using the following ICD-9 codes through September 2015: 992.0 - 992.9, E900.0, or E900.9 as a primary diagnosis, injury cause, or other diagnosis for occurrences during the months of May through September. Cases were excluded if a man-made source of heat (ICD-9 E900.1) was listed. Beginning October 2015, heat-related illness was defined by ICD-10 codes T67, X30, and X32 (exclusion W92).

Data Notes

Data have been age-adjusted to the U.S. 2000 standard population.

Data Sources

How the Measure is Calculated

  • Numerator:

    Number of inpatient hospital discharges for heat related illnesses during the months of May through September
  • Denominator:

    Estimated number of persons in the population

Data Issues

'''Overall Discharge Volume in 2020: ''' Hospital claim volume for the 2020 calendar year was markedly lower (19.9%) than for 2019, mostly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This reduction was seen in both inpatient discharges (8.2% lower claim volume than 2019) and emergency department visits (27.3% lower claim volume than 2019). This was likely the result of hospital care being redirected to address the care for COVID-19 patients while elective surgeries and other outpatient care services were being postponed. '''ICD Coding between 2015 and 2016: ''' The nationwide switch from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM hospital diagnosis coding on October 1, 2015 disrupted trends for some diseases and conditions. Interpret trend data in this report with caution. Also note that New Jersey's data for October through December, 2015 was recoded to ICD-9-CM so that entire year of data was coded the same way.

Related Health Objectives and Indicators

Environmental Public Health Tracking Indicator HRI-88

Description: Hospitalizations for heat-related illness

Related Risk Factors Indicators:

Related Health Status Outcomes Indicators:

Health Topic Pages Related to: Inpatient Hospitalizations due to Heat-Related Illness

Indicator Data Last Updated On 06/18/2024, Published on 06/18/2024
Environmental Public Health Tracking Project, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 369, Trenton, NJ 08625-0369, e-mail: (